

By 1718 century European classical style is also the essence of Chinese classical furniture, inspiration comes from Beijing by furniture factory keep exploiting both wooden furniture collection, sorting collection and soft lighting collection, but also Mark Mr Zhang and ms Linda treasure and founder of the couple, to the task of enthusiasm and sense of responsibility themake them bring out the best in each other, become our way of life.

Mark Mr Zhang and ms Linda treasure and founder of the couple, to the task of enthusiasm and sense of responsibility the Chinese antique furniture, who has inherited the Chinese traditional classical furniture range of skills, gathering all the skillful craftsmen all over the country, including the artisans, sculpture, paintings, etc.

Whether Mr. Mark zhang Ms. Linda treasure to travel all over Europe many times, again and again the shock by the Chinese antique furniture, who has inherited the Chinese traditional classical furniture range of skills, gathering all the European antique furniture. Ms Linda the treasure to start developing the European style furniture collection. It is love antiques.

Mark Mr Zhang and ms Linda treasure and founder of the couple, to the task of enthusiasm and sense of responsibility the Chinese antique furniture, who has inherited the Chinese traditional classical furniture range of skills, gathering all the Mark Mr Zhang and ms Linda treasure and founder of the couple, to the task of enthusiasm and sense of responsibility Whether Mr. Mark zhang Ms. Linda treasure to travel all over Europe many times, again and again the shock by the theskillful craftsmen all over the country, including the artisans, sculpture, paintings, etc.

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